Client Services

Good Service is like a good therapy session, a good marriage a good
poem gently and almost invisibly allowing you.

Client Portfolio Services

Our array of valuation experts specialize in every type of property (i.e. commercial, office, manufacturing facilities, warehousing, auto-manufacturing, retail malls) which allows us to provide in-depth review of MPAC’s valuations. Clients with large portfolios of properties can rely on our experts to review all their properties and advise on the best strategy for potential reduction or planning for future changes in assessment due to expansion, development, demolition, renovation etc.

Assessing Authorities propensity to value properties based on their Highest and Best Use as development land and classifying many commercial properties as Land in Transition has resulted in inequitable assessments. Our lawyers and valuation experts have challenged these kinds of unfair assessments and achieved favorable results for a broad range of property types and many clients through settlement and when necessary, hearings in front of the Assessment Review Board.

Outstanding Client Services

Experience you need.
Results you want.