Commercial / Retail / Shopping Centre

Clients with any properties used for retail, food service, or other general commercial uses are assessed by MPAC using an income approach based on a database built on data derived from similar properties in the province.

    Retail, Parking lot, Commercial condo, Bank, Department Store, Restaurant


Any multi-purpose building that typically includes interior finishes, and can usually be converted to another use without extensive alterations is valued based on similar Fair Market Rents and valuation parameters drawn from MPAC’s proprietary data.


Our valuation specialists are familiar with a wide range of property types which we can utilize to creatively challenge MPAC’s valuation and ensure the correct value of our clients’ properties is reflected on the tax roll.

Our Approach

We look at all facets of value from income analysis to fair market value and tailor our approach to reducing the property tax impact based on ground up valuation. We provide a strong base of salient facts to support a position of true market value and fight to get our clients the best result.